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Join SEBOWANA today and make a difference!!

Recycling for your average suburban household in South Africa is a bit of a schlep: the infrastructure for collecting recyclable material isn’t really in place – yet. Households generally have to separate their rubbish and take the recyclables to a municipal drop-off center or a buy-back center because there’s not much in the way of kerbside collection. Many people just can’t be bothered. But, there are also many people out there who would recycle if they knew how to. This guide aims to help you get started.

How good is South Africa at recycling? The recovery rates for various materials are as follows: Informal recyclers recover much of this material from dustbins and landfill sites. This is not ideal, firstly from the point of view of the health and safety of the recyclers. But also because the recyclable material is contaminated with other waste. First prize would be if households sorted their waste, so that “uncontaminated” recyclable material could be collected.

Cans : 65% - Paper : 60% - Glass : 25% - Plastic - 17%.


Firstly, the Earth’s resources are not infinite so we shouldn’t waste them. And, you know that sign that reads “Leave this place in the same condition as you’d like to find it”? Well, the same applies to the planet. You’d rather see your grandchildren running through piles of fallen autumn leaves than piles of discarded rubbish (wouldn’t you?). More specifically, the government wants to reduce the amount of plastic, cans, paper and glass going to landfills by 70 percent in the next decade or so. To meet that target, households need to stop simply throwing away rubbish and start implementing the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. 


  • Broken glass jars & bottles

  • Aluminium cans 

  • Paper, office paper, newspapers & cardboard

  • Plastics & Crates

  • PET - Cool drink bottles


You can collect all these materials in your neigbourhood, streets, community, school, universities and surroundings. Start a community project on Saturdays to keep the neighborhood clean and when all collections are done, come sell all these recyclables materials at our buy back centers for cash.

To recycle is very easy, collect, sort and come sell your products. Recycling is a way to earn money and also the opportunity to start your own business. At SEBOWANA we offer training to collectors, pickers and vendors once every 2 months. During the training session we make sure that different material types for recycling is identified and accordingly collected. Proper sorting and collection within a area of collection can then be done!

Should you want to become a vendor and start earning money through recycling please send us a email for details. T & C's apply.

Make a difference and start recycling today!

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